Friday, May 23, 2008

Virtual Interactive Art Galleries

The Saatchi Gallery is a worldwide interactive Art Galleries that is one of the world’s most popular websites and finds over sixty million visitors on any given day. This London-based gallery has opened doors to contemporary global artworks by providing a medium of expression for emerging artists from around the world whose work may otherwise have never been displayed in the United Kingdom.

As a virtual art gallery and medium of communication for art professionals and enthusiasts, the Saatchi Gallery is also a valuable source of information for upcoming exhibitions, art fairs and other events. The basis of the online interactive forum is the twenty-year-old gallery in London that has provided a vast array of art exhibitions for art enthusiasts over the last two decades. With the move to a new and improved 50,000 square foot premises in summer 2008, the Gallery is expected to raise its already unprecedented success to an even higher level. The new location will include space for a bookstore, a coffee shop, and also educational provisions for students.

One of the aspects of Saatchi Gallery that sets it apart from others is its egalitarian approach, which encourages visits by students from over a thousand art schools every year, and is at the same time accorded respect by experts and connoisseurs, attracting a crowd of over six hundred thousand visitors a year. Also commendable are its efforts to involve technology in the process of art preservation and appreciation, and its patronizing of art fairs showcasing new as well as established talent. With something for every age and interest group, the Art Galleries has demonstrated that its future efforts can only be as wildly successful as its past ones, if not more.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Creative Art Galleries at Saatchi Gallery

As an art gallery that exists both in actuality as well as virtually, the Saatchi Gallery is second to none in the volume and quality of work housed on its website and in its halls. In fact, Saatchi represents the standard against which all other galleries are measured, and indeed may itself be the definitive source for accessing contemporary art of all styles. The Art Galleries use several methods to publish the creative work of the thousands of artists that utilise its services as a means of promoting themselves. In its online form, a wide variety of rooms exist in which artists may not only post samples of their work, but also interact with the other artists and with the art lovers that frequent its cyber-halls. Such rooms as the Stuart Room, provide a place for students of the visual arts to display their own work and form networks to promote and discuss art. The Crits Room allows other artists the opportunity to critique the works placed there on display, while a room exists in which street artists have the freedom to create and display their works without prejudice, but rather with acclaim.

Other resources on the site also allow for the actual creation of artistic pieces, such as the availability of an online studio. In addition to this, the gallery (both London- and online-based) hosts a wide variety of exhibitions based on important historical or cultural themes. It includes culture-based themes such as “USA Today: New American Art,” “Germania: New Art from Germany,” and “New Britannia.” Exhibitions are also held under such themes as “The Power of Paper” and “Shape of Things to Come” in order to underscore the strength of these respective artistic mediums. The Art Galleries therefore offers more than a portal to viewing art: it is a means of creating, exploring, and understanding current art as well as shaping its direction for the future.